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April 30, 2014

Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineers and Sub-Engineers Vacancy @ Birgunj Institute of Technology(BIT)

A Birgunj based reputed engineering college is seeking for the following positions.
1. Lecturers (Civil, Electrical & Mechanical)
Minimum qualification required is BE for Civil (Full Knowledge of Auto CAD 2D & 3D), Electrical & Mechanical engineers
2. Lab Instructor (Civil & Electrical)
Minimum qualification required is Diploma in Civil & Electrical Engineering.
Deadline to apply: 5th May, 2014
Prior experience is desirable.
Salary- As per institution rules.
Interested candidates are encouraged to apply for these posts by sending the latest CV and transcript either electronically or by post to the following address.
Successful candidates will be notified for interview.

Birgunj Institute of Technology
Birgunj-17. Nepal
Te1 - 051-528020/528173
Published on: 17 Baisakh, 2071(Kantipur Daily)

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