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January 28, 2015

Industrial/Civil Engineering Job Vacancy @ Adam Smith International (ASI)

Adam Smith International (ASI) invites applications from qualified Nepalese citizens for the following consulting staff positions at the Investment Board Nepal (IBN), a client that AS1 has been supporting through the bilateral support program from the Department for International Development (DFI D), United Kingdom.
Network with developer/relevant stakeholders for preparation of Industrial Benefits Plans. Develop local suppliers' inventory - coordinate with developer/contractors; assess local/national level labour availability; conduct training needs assessment; avoid duplication & provide/monitor various productive trainings. Develop database on communities' socio-eco features.

Desired Competencies:
Qualification: Bachelor's degree (Industrial/Civil Engineering)
Experience & Ability: 2 years in the private / development sector. Experience in training & capacity building of local/rural communities will be preferred.
Knowledge & Skills: In-depth knowledge of industrial sector in Nepal.
Deadline for applications is 6th February 2015.
• Develop local suppliers' inventory (goods and services - cement, steel, engineering, etc.). Share information with developer/contractors.
• Liaise with relevant industries and ensure maximum utilization of local resources.
• Coordinate with the developer in labor availability assessment at local / national levels to ensure maximum local employment.
• Coordinate with the developer to provide pre-construction trainings and ensure that adequate advance information regarding required labor and skills is provided to communities.
• Conduct training needs assessment to avoid duplication, ensure market availability, & monthly training progress review.
• Assist community groups in productive/income-generating activities identification, co-operatives creation /strengthening, & community education program.
• Develop a systematic database on villages/communities' socio-economic features.
• Contribute to work plan preparation / implementation.
• Work with the developer/relevant stakeholders in Nepal Employment Benefits as well as Industrial Benefits Plans preparation.
Interested individuals are invited to send their applications at comprising:
• A cover letter
• A brief resume (max 3 pages) outlining experience and qualifications; and
• The names of two referees who can be contacted in confidence.
 Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Qualified Nepali professionals are encouraged to apply.
Published on: 14 Magh, 2071(The Himalayan Times)

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