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January 24, 2015

Civil/ Mechanical/ Electrical/ Electronics/ Industrial Engineer/Sub-Engineer Jobs Vacancy @ AEPC/NRREP

Date of publication: 24 January, 2015
National Rural and Renewable Energy Programme (NRREP) is a national programme supported by Government of Nepal and number of Development Partners (Danida, Norway, UK, Germany, UNDP, SNV, ADB, The World Bank, UNCDF) & many other Development Partners. The programme is being executed by the Alternative Energy Promotion Centre, Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment, Government of Nepal. The objective of programme is to improve the living standard of rural women and men, increase employment of women and men as well as productivity, reduce dependency on traditional energy and attain sustainable development through integrating the alternative energy with the socioeconomic activities of women and men in rural communities.
AEPC/NRREP is looking for substantially experience and highly qualified candidates to apply for the following positions. Women, disadvantage group is encouraged to apply.
Component/ Subcomponent/Unit: Solar Energy sub component (SESC)
Position: Programme Officer (PO)
Required Position: 1
Qualification and experience: Bachelor in Engineering (Civil, Mechanical, electrical, electronics, Industrial) with 5 years of relevant experience in Renewable Energy or Masters Degree in Energy and Engineering with 3 years of experience in Renewable Energy.
Position: Assistant Programme Officer (APO)
Required Position: 1
Qualification and experience: Bachelor’s degree in engineering (Civil/Mechanical/Electrical/Electronics/Industrial) with 3 years of experience in renewable energy and related field OR Intermediate degree (Diploma) in technical/vocational education in fields related to engineering in from recognized university with minimum of 5 years of practical experience in renewable energy and related field. 
Deadline: 06 February, 2015, before 3:00 PM
Candidates should submit application,updated CV, copy of citizenship and relevant certificates to following address:
Alternative Energy Promotion Centre
National Rural and Renewable Energy Programme
Khumaltar, Lalitpur
Phone: 01 5539390/01 5539391, Fax: 01 5542397
Published on: 10 Magh, 2071(Kantipur Daily)

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